Some people started a Bible study at Warped, and it's been just a blessing on my heart. It started out with a couple of us on ABR's bus and has grown fairly big, which is both surprising and awesome at the same time. Guys from As I Lay Dying, Norma Jean, Family Force Five, our band, Maylene, and a bunch of others were there last night, for about the third meeting we've had, and it went really well I think. Just seeing so many people showing up at Warped of all places, looking to learn and praise God, that's just a great feeling. Tim from AILD is an extremely smart guy, and is studying theology I think in college, so he started leading it last week. We've started with the first chapter of James, and it's weighing a lot of things heavy on my heart regarding faith and behavior and how I look at the world, which is definitely a good thing. So many good people and good friends on this tour.
Our video came out yesterday, and I think it turned out really well. I'm excited for it to hit the TV stations and see what kids think. I know we're all stoked on it so hopefully they are too. I got the new Underoath DVD and have been watching the crap out of that, it's shot amazingly well and sounds great. It's reminded me of how much I loved their last album. Definitely a big inspiration musically, in the same vein as Brand New's new CD, and other bands that seem to push the envelope in whatever genre they're in.
We started writing some new stuff in the back lounge, and if that's any hint of what our new record is gonna sound like I'm very excited to get into the studio.. Should be very metal, but catchy, beautiful, and hopefully a little experimental too. I want to go places we haven't, or even farther into places we have.
I guess it's safe to say these posts will probably be pretty long, but this is my blog, so I don't care. :]
P.S. Got the new Iphone update, and it's amazing.. So many cool new apps, including a Bible one that should prove very useful and fulfilling, as well as AIM, FINALLY!!!
But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.
- James 1:6
Jeremy, that was a great blog. i really enjoyed reading it and i really am excited for the fall tour[if it's in the US]. i noticed you have AIM. i'd love to have the chance to talk to you on AIM. mine is xDannehPrada if you ever want to IM me :P If you want to give me your aim aswell, my myspace is, feel free to message me.
i can't wait for other blogs to be posted :D
warped bible study sounds amazing. hahaha
cant wait to see you at warped buddy.
That blog was great. i enjoyed it very much. i cant wait for you guys to come to fresno..
i got the iphone update to it is awesome. i have the bible on there as well and aim to my aim is trillvillen309 message me sometime. keep posting blogs there great.
well take care and god bless.
Hey your blogs are very interesting to read. You seem like a very articulate person with a lot of thoughts on your mind. I can't wait to hear your bands new stuff. Plauges was amazing so i can't even imagine what the next cd will sound like.
By the way i read in a blog on your myspace that you were considering recording some acoustic songs. I think you definitely should :)
You can count me as a persistent reader of your new blog. I love long entries! And your music is inspiring and it brings closer to God. And love, love, LOVE you in Before Their Eyes' "This Is Redemption..." It never fails to bring me to tears. And it would be really cool and would make my day if you messaged me on AIM. My screename is ewashisdumb. But it's fine if you don't. I mean you're busy with on the new music and tour and everything. Well I hope you continue to have a great days ahead. Thank you for everything.
jeremy, your blog is wonderful, it is really nice to read, and it is somewhat inspiring. im glad to hear you have aim! i myself am an aim newbie.
mine is abreakitdown303
it would be amazing to talk with you more.
i hope all is well with you.
cant wait for your next blog!
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